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Fuel Oil Report – I Don’t Want No Scrubbers


HSFO saw a contrasting performance in Europe and Asia which allowed the 380 E/W to rally significantly.

380 inched up in the fortnight, with the Jun/Jul 380 rising from $6.50/mt on May 3 to $8.50/mt on May 17. The net flow in the Jun crack flipped to selling on May 13 with 95kbbls net short on May 14.

The 3.5% Bgs crack fell from -$8/bbl on May 7 to a low of -$10.45/bbl on May 16. There was heavy selling pressure in the Jun crack with trade houses selling 920kbbls of the prompt to Onyx in the past 2 weeks.

This difference in allowed for the E/W to soar to highs of over $26.50/mt on May 17. There was good trade house selling into the rally, with 1.7mbbls sold to Onyx over the fortnight.


    Aside from a mini-peak between May 08 and May 10, outright VLSFO contracts have had a fairly rangebound fortnight, however the E/W and cracks saw more zealous price action.

    The 0.5% E/W consistently built strength from May 03 to May 10, rising from $43.50/mt to $46.95/mt before sharply declining on May 16 to $44.10/mt. In line with this, trade houses increased their net positioning in the prompt E/W contract between May 03 and May 09 from -57kbbls to 229kbbls.

    In a similar fashion to the E/W, price action in the prompt 0.5% barge crack and Sing 0.5% crack rose from May 03 to May 10 by around $0.70 and $1.10 to $4.35/bbl and $11.70/bbl, respectively.

    The VLSFO cracks also both subsequently weakened significantly on May 16, spurred in part by the Sing 0.5% crack by trade houses (-82kbbls) and end users (-31kbbls) reducing their net positioning.

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      Our team of skilled analysts, by utilising the depth and breadth of Onyx's proprietary data, position ourselves at the cutting edge of market analysis. This unique vantage point grants us an unparalleled perspective in the market, enabling us to identify emerging trends and lucrative opportunities.